by Marianne | Aug 3, 2023
CASE STUDY Batch traceability With approximately 1,000 dispatches, the estimated return stands at £5,000 per annum in time savings alone. Challenge To produce finished goods at Batten&Allen, raw material purchased from suppliers is processed up to 4 times. During...
by Marianne | Aug 3, 2023
CASE STUDY Automated customer facing labels printing Time-based savings are estimated to be £5K per annum. Challenge With over 7000 despatches each consisting of dozens of reels of product per annum, the despatch department at Batten&Allen is a fast moving...
by Marianne | Aug 3, 2023
CASE STUDY Order book reporting Time-based savings are estimated to be £5K per annum. Challenge Understanding the size of your company’s order book, the percentage breakdown of revenue by customer, the number of stock codes being sold across customers, and the...
by Marianne | Jul 28, 2023
CASE STUDY Automated batch label printing A time-based return on investment projected to be around £40K per annum. Challenge Batten&Allen Limited opted for the 123Insight MRP system to replace an existing Microsoft Dynamics Nav system that had failed to meet...